Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Best place for our class picnic?

We have a class picnic next week. Do you have any recomandation?
If you know some good places around Cheongju, please just tell me~.
There will be some exciting activities!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Do you think Korea will win the WBC?

The game against Japan was so exciting.
Do you think Korea will win the WBC?

Monday, March 9, 2009

Are you happy now?

Tuesday again... much better than I expected and worried.
All the class memebers are nice and kind.
Insctructors are always trying to help us not only in the class, but out of the class.
And the food is also great.
I'm really satisfied with the life here.
It's already the 2nd week of the program.
How do you feel about the life in here?